Monday, May 4, 2015

Guide On How to Market Your Business Using LinkedIn Marketing !

Guide On How to Market Your Business Using LinkedIn Marketing  

With the unending number of social networking sites that have sprung up recently, trying to select the most worthwhile for your business can be a daunting task.

If you are a small business owner or entrepreneur, then one of them stands out. Created in 2003, LinkedIn is the ONE social network that you, as an entrepreneur or business owner, should join.

         Reserve your spot by signing up here.<--

 The goal for any businessperson joining LinkedIn is not to add friends and swap stories and pictures, but rather, to make new business connections. LinkedIn marketing has its own rules.

A LinkedIn marketing strategy can be tricky. Most small business leaders do not realize the importance of LinkedIn for marketing, lack the resources for it, and do not adequately budget for marketing activities.

In just the past 5 years, LinkedIn has done wonders for small business marketing. Small businesses can't ignore LinkedIn for the following reasons:      LinkedIn has since evolved and has created a world of opportunity for small businesses.

    If you have done the steps I have just talked about, you have your foundation ready to get real results from LinkedIn as a marketing tool. They come from starting from your goals, thinking who are the people in the best position to help you reach those goals and then use LinkedIn Marketing strategies PROACTIVELY to find them. Unfortunately many people don't give enough attention to who is their target group and don't take action themselves. And then LinkedIn marketing can be a waste of time.

Small businesses need this social media tool to highlight their company's USP, showcase marketing material at little or no cost and share knowledge of the industry.

The biggest challenge may be an overall LinkedIn marketing strategy: how to get people to follow the company? Employees, most importantly top management, need to be involved. Update regularly, participate in discussions and groups and use the analytics to track performance.

Remember: the goal of a LinkedIn marketing strategy is not profit, it's connections. And small businesses certainly should know the importance of networking. Take the advice of this article and learn how to market your business on LinkedIn.

So sign up here, and I’ll see you on the call! <===